SDG 12 Responsible consumption and production

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The targets for this SDG can be seen here.

Biobased buiding

Circular building

Build in a sustainable and circular way. Houses which can be disassembled.
With sustainable biobased materials.
Biobased construction is one of the promising options for achieving better climate neutral performance. Biobased construction uses renewable building materials; these are raw materials from crops that capture CO2 from the air through photosynthesis. Wood and wood products are the most important example. The policy objective of using more wood in construction has only received limited acceptance. Alternative construction methods and the use of renewable raw materials for construction have so far been limited to a few example projects.

Wood wool insulation materials
Natural paint finishes
Floor covering no PVC but linoleum and Lifeline
Rubber roofing with succulent vegetation
Prefab timber frame construction / solid construction
Safe ecological building materials
No toxic substances
Allergen-free finish and interior

Learning activities
Building biobased houses by Mercantec Denmark level 2
Hemp application in eco-friendly builing Fomedil Bari Italy Level
Construction details and CLT CIFP Someso Spain Level
CO2 emission when designing a building
Sustainable bricklaying Tradium Randers Denmark Level 3

Developed video’s

At Universidad Laboral Corunja Spain they collect electronic equipment which students has to dismantel and have to create something new out of it.

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